Jesse Brown announces partnership with Illinois Medical District to open mass vaccination clinic for veterans

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMarch 26, 2021 CONTACT:Jesse Brown Veteran Affairs Medical CenterEmail: chspao@va.govCell: 773-987-6052Office phone: 312-569-6402Public Affairs Officer: Steven Miller CHICAGO [...]

Illinois Medical District Board of Commissioners announce leadership transition

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEJanuary 19, 2021 CONTACT:Illinois Medical District Press OfficeRyan CHICAGO—Illinois Medical District (IMD) Board of Commissioners [...]

Healthcare real estate will change in the pandemic (and that’s a good thing)

Dr. Suzet McKinney, CEO & Executive Director, Illinois Medical District Commercial real estate owners and developers responsible for healthcare facilities are facing a pivotal moment. They [...]

TODAY asks infectious diseases experts how they plan to celebrate Thanksgiving

The 2020 holiday season is just around the corner, and many people are looking forward to spending time with family and friends. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic is still surging, with […]

Taking healthcare’s temperature: Early concerns give way as the sector grows more active

Via RE Journals: “In the fall of 2019, healthcare was one of the strongest real estate classes around, with new developments popping up, rents on the rise and properties trading […]

COVID-19 shows us health care rights require legislation — despite the ADA

The American Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal civil rights law that was enacted in 1990. The ADA prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities, ensuring that they receive equitable [...]

IMD joins West Side United Collaborative pledging financial investments to improve health outcomes on Chicago’s west side

February 26, 2020FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ryan GageDirector of Marketing and CommunicationRGage@medicaldistrict.org312-738-5800 Multi-year commitment aims to help offset drivers of health [...]

New report shows opportunity zones can fuel Illinois Medical District growth

February 12, 2020 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ryan Gage Director of Marketing and Communication 312-738-5800 Tax incentives can attract private capital to build an innovation [...]

IMD and Gateway Partners, LLC announce opening of Starbucks at Gateway development site

World-famous coffee retailer joins transformative project aimed at becoming an economic catalyst for the city’s west side CHICAGO– The Illinois Medical District (IMD) and Gateway Partners, LLC [...]

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